Tuesday, September 24, 2013

9/18 - 9/24 Weekly Shopping Trip Totals


Here is my weekly shopping totals for the week of 9/18 - 9/24. They include how much I would have spent without sales and coupons, how much I saved, and how much I actually spent. How did you do this week?

Subtotal before sales and coupons $204.56
Total paid $108.66
Total saved 92.50
Saved 53% savings

My goal is to save at least $200 a week on every day items depending on how much couponing I do. This week was a very light week for me with couponing.

Let's do the math with my $200 a week:
Monthly $800 savings
Yearly $9,600 savings
That's almost 10 grand saved for the entire year!

I have a weekly budget of $150/week so I was under by $41.34. Last week I was over by $0.18 I made that up plus more.

This week I shopped at: CVS, Walgreens, Target, Food Lion, Walmart, Kroger, and Harris Teeter!

How did you do this week?

To figure out the percentage you saved: 

Take the total amount saved divided by the total amount before sales and coupons.

My prayer is that I can help you get to a place where you are saving tons of money too. Be blessed!!

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